Celebrating World Migratory Bird Day with Lobito Community
Lobito, a large city in central Angola, has a wetland within its boundaries that serves as habitat for several species of migratory water birds. Due to the growth of the local population, there is increasing human pressure on the wetland site making it necessary to increase environmental awareness in neighbouring communities to protect the ecosystem services provided by the Lobito wetland site. For this reason, the development of a wetland centre named “Centro de Informação, Observação e Monitorização de Aves - Lobito” translated as Lobito Birdwatching, Information and Monitoring Centre is underway. To promote the future wetland centre and raise awareness for its potential role in the protection of migratory species in Lobito, several activities were conducted with local stakeholders in celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2023.
An overview of the different activities can be found in the full report.