Communication Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) Training Workshop for young people/youth of Yawri Bay communities
Bird conservation can only be sustainable if individuals at the national level drive the process, and especially if young people become involved. To build capacity of young conservationists and to promote the conservation of migratory birds in Sierra Leone, the Sierra Leone Nature Guides Association in collaboration with local partners organized the first communication, education and public awareness (CEPA) training workshop for young people/youth in Sierra Leone in celebration of World Migratory Bird Day 2023. The goal was to empower young people in Sierra Leone, in order to let them become nature lovers, birdwatchers and also to increase the number of trained and qualified birdwatching tour guides in the field of birding. Youth from communities around the Yawri Bay wetland area in the western Peninsular and the Sierra Leone River estuary participated in the workshop which consisted of a theoretical part on the flyway, migratory birds and the threats they are facing and a practical part on bird identification and effective communication tools (e.g. plays). The ultimate goal of the initiative was to encourage more young conservationists to play an active role in monitoring and conservation of migratory birds along the flyway.
For more information, please read the full project report.