Management guidelines
Mitigation and data collection strategies for avian influenza in bird colonies in the Wadden Sea
This document has been developed to guide site managers (including wardens and rangers), bird counters, researchers and other people that will get in contact with colonially breeding birds in the Wadden Sea. The guide provides advice on several topics such as management options, research and monitoring needs, and not the least, what safety precautions need to be taken. The activities suggested in this document are not meant to be implemented by the general public, given the risk associated with dealing with infected birds and the potential disturbance that could be caused if activities are implemented by large numbers of untrained people. Further, it needs to be noted that this document is specifically developed for Sandwich terns.
This publication should be cited as:
Bregnballe, T., Meise, K., Packmor, F. (2023) Management guidelines - Mitigation and data collection strategies for avian influenza in bird colonies in the Wadden Sea. Common Wadden Sea Secretariat, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.